Here is an eye opener, take a look guys!!
java and java script not the same...........
java is not secure beware!!!!
What Is Java?
what is java script??
JavaScript is generally used within HTML documents (like web pages) rather than as standalone "apps" that run inside them. This can be a bit confusing since Java also runs in your browser, but they are quite different. A large number of web sites use JavaScript; very few require Java.
With that in mind, we're only going to discuss Java here. That's the really insecure one that's driving everyone crazy. For a better explainer on JavaScript, check out this guide from our friends at the How-To Geek. For the answer to your question, read on.
Is Java Insecure?
In fact, Kaspersky Lab says that the Java browser plug-in was responsible for 50 percent of all cyber attacks last year, and security experts are constantly advising that you disable it in your browser. It opens up a number of holes that can allow criminals to steal passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information. And, as you've noticed from reading news on the web, new security holes are popping up all the time.
Should I Disable it?
into the address bar, and in Firefox, you can do so by going to Tools > Add-Ons > Plugins. Then, just find Java and click Disable. That's all it takes!
The browser plug-in is the security problem in question, but the Java runtime has its own annoyances—like constantly nagging you for updates, taking up space in your system tray, and (when you first install it) because it likes to install things like toolbars on your system. For these reasons, we generally recommend uninstalling the Java runtime too, just for the convenience. If you find that an app asks for Java after the fact, you can always reinstall, as long as you keep that browser plugin disabled. To uninstall Java, open up the Start menu, search for
uninstall a program
, press Enter, and choose Java from the uninstall list. You'll probably be happy you did.
easy for beginners to idetify their position da...