Up until now there have two flash sales, which turned out much to the discontent of the customers. After the march 16 flash sales on the amazon website, I personally found more than a 1000 reviews of angry customers who were patiently waiting to buy the 3 GB variant of the smart phone, unfortunately there have been a lot of controversies that surround the flash sale, many of the customers were unable to buy the because all the products were sold out in a flash.may be that's why its called a flash sale. The sale was very much to the huge disappoint of the customers. From the reviews I came to know that many of them have actually booked LeTv 1s, which is also kind of similar. Don’t why xamio has pulled an act like this? In a hyper growth market like India having this kind of reputation doesn’t look for the future for both xamio and amazon. The smartphone segment is being more and more crowded with new manufactures every day, at a time like this is just unacceptable. ...
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