The longest English word: antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters)---means opposition to the separation of church and state floccinaucinihilipilification(29 letters)--meaning the estimation of something as worthless, is the longest non-technical word in the OED. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis (45 letters)--a lung disease, appears to be a semi-serious concoction. Longest word without a vowel: symphysy. Longest word with at most 1 vowel: glycyphyllin, psychorhythm. Word with most vowels: counterrevolutionaries. Word with most consecutive vowels (5): cooeeing, miaoued, miaouing, queueing. Smallest word with all 5 vowels: eulogia, miaoued, sequoia. Longest word with only 3 distinct alphabets: seeresses. Longest word with only 4 distinct alphabets: senselessness. Longest word with no repeated letter: dermatoglyphics. Longest word with letters in alphabetical order: aegilops. Longest word with letters in ...
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